The story of LOOP®
We had been monitoring developments on the market carefully, particularly in the garment sector. And we also realised that we want to be able to give our children a straight answer when they ask us what we did to stand up for their future. We wanted to do more than think “green”. We wanted to figure out what is possible.
So a few years ago, after some serious soul searching, we re-thought the entire concept of corporate wear. We were looking for complex, well-founded solutions, not superficial slogans. We found them in the Cradle to Cradle® principle, under the most convincing standard of which our LOOP® garments are certified.
We run a business, and that means that we have a responsibility to our customers, to our employees and to the environment. With LOOP® we are fulfilling this responsibility – and respecting the environment, which we recognise as a key partner in the production of our circular-economy based clothing.
It’s a start. Our LOOP® clothing can be worn with pride out in the wider world – it delivers what it promises and it is inspiring – because we are all partners. With LOOP®, we finally found the answer we were looking for: by producing high-quality and entirely circular-economy based corporate wear that benefits everyone.
The LOOP® team
All of us have roots in the garment sector. We all began with an apprenticeship in clothing design, but spread from there, completing further training and garnering work experience in a variety of areas. Along the way, we developed into an apparel dream-team. The special something: we have all known each other since our apprenticeships and have reunited in this team.




We all live very thoughtfully and have great respect for nature and its services. Their cycles served as a model for the implementation of this clothing concept.
The LOOP® team